St. Peter's Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church of Toronto
EELK Toronto Peetri Kogudus
Memorials - Stained Glass Windows
Mälestusmärke ja Pühendusi -Vitraažaknad
In 1980, St. Peter's Ladies Guild noted that the curtains inside the church needed replacing. It was their desire that something more permanent could be placed on the windows. After much research of prominent artists doing stained glass, several designs were presented to the church membership. The design of Ernestine Tahedl was chosen.
The windows were installed, and the blessing took place December 2nd, 1990.
When you visit St. Peter's please have a look below each of the windows at the north and south sides of the sanctuary. Below each window is a black plaque denoting on whose behalf funds were donated to support the cost of the windows.
At the back of the church you will find a plaque with more donor names.
1980-ndais aastais tõi Naisring esile, et kiriku eestimustrilised kardinad, mis kujundasid väga koduse miljöö, vajavad uuendamist ja tuleks asendada sellistega mis oleksid püsivad - värviliste klaasakendega.
Naisring juurde loodi värviliste akende komitee ja ka lisakomitee kes tutvusid Toronto klaasikunstnike t|ödega. Valiti kunstnik Ernestine Tahedl'i kavand, loodud Pauluse kiri galaatlastele 5:22-23 teemal "Vaimu vili", kus paraleelselt usulisele teemale on põimitud akendesse eestipärasust värvingus ja lihtsas kujunduses. Aknad on kui rahvariide vöö, mis hoiab koos palvetavat kogudust oma pühakojas. Värvide harmoonia on jagatud neljaks aastaajaks, lõunapoolsed aknad sügive, talve ja varakevadistes toonides, põhjapoolsed kevad- ja suvevärvides.
Akended õnnistamine toimus 2. detsembril 1990 a.
Memorial Window Plaques

Memorial Window Wall

"Remember me in your heart, your thoughts, your memories of the times we loved, the times we cried, the times we fought, the times we laughed. For if you always think of me, I will never be gone." - Margaret Mead