August 20, 2023

The August 20th joint service with St. Peter's and St. Andrews was to commemorate Estonia's Day of Restoration of Independence. A new joint choir had formed and was conducted by Katrin Veski, accompanied by husband Erik Veski, who was also the organist. The service was followed by a joint luncheon.
A Focus on Unity - EWR Article
It was a distinct pleasure to participate in the service commemorating the regaining of Estonian independence at St. Peter’s Estonian Lutheran Church (Peetri from now on) on the precise day, August 20th. 32 years have passed since Riigikogu Speaker Ülo Nugis lowered his gavel declaring the restoration of democracy and sovereignty. It had been a long battle, but unity among people of differing political stripes and opinions made this long awaited desire come to fruition. Continue reading on Estonian World Review on line...
Photos: Tiiu Roiser
Taasiseseisvumispäeva tänujumalateenistus Torontos - Eesti Elu - Eerik Purje  Eesti Elu Nr. 34 2023
Pühapäeval, 20. augustil tähistasid kaks Toronto eesti luterlikku kogudust Eesti Vabariigi taaiseseisvumise 32. aastapäeva ühise piduliku jumalateenistusega.  Loe edasi....Â