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Peetri kiriku täiskogu koosolek / St. Peter's AGM

September 29, 2024 - Markus Alliksaar

14. septembril toimus EELK Peetri koguduse korraline üldkoosolek, mis andis ülevaate 2023. aastast. Registreerimine algas keskpäeval ja koosolek algas kell 14.00 avapalvusega Karl Paju poolt. Koosolek toimus kirikus. Kohal oli 147 kirikuliiget koos 114 volikirjaga, kokku 261 häält. Koosolek oli edukas ja saavutas oma eesmärgid; kolm juhatuse liiget võeti heakskiitmisega vastu.

Ametist lahkuv juhatuse liige Erik Kalm rääkis kõigist remonditöödest, mis on tehtud kiriku hoonele teadaolevate probleemide parandamiseks ja kiriku uuendamiseks. Anne Liis Keelmann andis ülevaate kõikidest 2023. aastal toimunud koguduse tegevusest. Järgnesid gildringi, arhiivi ja kolumbaariumi tegevusaruanded. Juhatuse esimees Väino Einola esitas visiooni kiriku edasiseks tegevuseks. Ta rääkis plaanidest kiriku eelarve tasakaalustamiseks, hoone uuendamiseks ja koguduse elavdamiseks. Pärast seda, kui Pahapill Associates-i audiitor esitles 2023. aasta raamatupidamisaruande, analüüsis seda laekur Toomas Trei ja esitas seejärel 2024. aasta eelarve. Kokkuvõtteks võib öelda, et kirik peaks jõudma selle aasta lõpuks väiksesse kasumisse.

Seoses valimistega valiti kiriku revidendiks tagasi Pahapill Associates. Juhatus esitas liikmetele juhatuse kandidaatide nimekirja. Nende hulka kuulusid Anne Liis Keelmann, Linda Laikve ja Markus Alliksaar. Kaks esimest olid ümbervalimiseks. Esmakordne kandidaat Markus Alliksaar esitati ametist lahkuva direktori Erik Kalmi asemele, kes tööpõhjustel tagasivalimisele ei kandideerinud. Kuna saalist kandidaate rohkem ei olnud, valiti kõik kolm rahvahääletusel aklamatsiooni korraselt. Vahepeal esitati küsimusi millele kõik sai vastatud. Koosolek oli pikk, kuid saavutas kõik oma eesmärgid. Karl Paju lõpetas koosoleku lõpupalvusega.


On September 14th, the St. Peter’s Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church had its Annual General Meeting, reporting on the 2023 year. The registration began at noon and the meeting started at 2:00 PM with the opening prayer by Karl Paju. The meeting took place in the church. 147 members of the church were present, along with 114 proxies, for a total of 261 votes. The meeting was a noteworthy success with three board members accepted by acclamation.

Outgoing Board member Erik Kalm spoke about all of the work that has been done on the church property to repair known issues and to do improvements to the church. Anne Liis Keelmann reported on all of the many church activities that had occurred in 2023. Reports were presented regarding the Guild, archives and columbarium. Chairman Väino Einola spoke about the vision for the church going forward. He spoke about plans to balance the church’s budget, renew the building, and to reinvigorate the congregation. After, the auditor from Pahapill Associates presented the financial statement for 2023. Treasurer Toomas Trei did an analysis of the financial statement and presented the budget for 2024. The bottom line is that the church looks to break even by the end of this year with a small profit.

Regarding elections, Pahapill Associates was re-elected as the auditor for the church. The Board presented a slate of candidates to the membership. They included Anne Liis Keelmann, Linda Laikve and Markus Alliksaar. The first two were up for re-election. First-time candidate Markus Alliksaar was placed on the slate to replace outgoing Director Erik Kalm, who was not running for re-election due to work commitments. As there were no other candidates from the floor, all three were elected by acclamation. During question period, all questions were addressed. The meeting was lengthy, but achieved all of its goals. The meeting concluded with the closing prayer by Karl Paju.

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