November 12, 2023
It was a truly joyous occasion for the community that participated in St. Peter’s Craft Show and Sale on November 12, 2023. The lower level community hall had been decorated with Christmas lights and ringed with an outstanding collection of presentations by crafters and gourmet bakers. The upstairs Guild room was designated for the sale of our traditional Christmas sausages – (Veri vorstid) that had been prepared by our organist Erik Veski. No-one was surprised by the long line-ups and that they were soon sold out.
The stage in the hall was loaded with gifts collected for the traditional lottery. Extra special gift baskets were however available only by silent auction. Many outstanding bargains were up for grabs to the enterprising bidders.
Most important, however, were the number of familiar faces that were seen for the first time in a long while. It seemed like every part of our community had representation either at the craft table, the bake sale, or as customers socializing with old and new friends.
Live Christmas music was provided by Enno Agur and his accordion. Our Guild women could not resist the opportunity to lead the singing from the stage. The highlight of the musical entertainment was the swinging sounds of the Northern Secondary School Jazz Band. This was made possible by Ene Lomp, the former music teacher at Northern, for whom the school actually renamed their auditorium.
It has to be said that this was more than a simple craft show. It was a special community event. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the Guild Café and the socializing that went with the excellent baked goods presented by the Guild. It brought to light how much we have missed during the pandemic. We are truly people that enjoy camaraderie and a good time. We eagerly look forward to many more get togethers.
Peetri Kiriku Jõulu Laat ja Kohvik
Oli tõesti rõõmustav jälle näha nii suur hulk rahvast koos Peetri kirikus. Terve aluminine korrus oli kaunistatud Jõulu müügi laudadega. Meie kogukonnas on tõesti andekaid kuntsti päraseid inimesi. Hulgaliselt oli kohvikusse toodud kodu tehtud kooke ja küpsiseid. Need olid nii head et päeva lõppuks olid kõik välja müüdud. Veri vorste valmistas meile kiriku oreli mängija Erik Veski. Ootata oli suurepäraselt ostajaid nii et see müük liigutati esimesele korrusele Gildi tuppa. Pikk rahva saba ootas rahulikult kuni vorstid saabusid Collinwood’ist. Suur vorstide ladu oli Erikul kiiresti välja müüdud.
All seltskonna toas, oli lava esik täidetud loterii kingitustega. Loosi võitja sai oma käe järgi valida mis kingitus talle sobis. Suuremad kink korvid olid aga vaiksel oksionil. Võitjad olid õnnelapsed sest need kinkitused olid väga värtuslikud.
Oli rõõm näha nii palju tuntuid nägusi. Oli näha mitmeid osavõtjaid naaber kogudusest Vana Andresse kirikust. Osavõtjaid oli igast valdkonnast kas müügi laua taga või ostjana. Tore oli kohata vanu sõpru ja luua uusi tutvusi.
Jõulu muusikat pakus Enno Agur oma akordioniga. Naisringi naised võtsid omaks et koorina kaasa laulda. Eriti põnevaks oli Northern Secondary School Jazz Band. Nad panid terve rahva õlujuma. Peab mainima et meile sai osaliseks see “band” selle tõttu et Ene Lomp oli seal koolis endine õppejõud Rahvas kiitis neid valju applausiga. Olid väärt kuulata, ja kavas on nendega teha tulivikus kordus ettendus.
Peab ütlema et see Jõulu laat oli palju rohkem kui käsitõõ müük ja Gildi Kohvik oli palju rohkem kui koogi müük. See oli tõesti põnev kokku saamine ja sõprutsemine. See näitas kui palju on meil sarnastest üritustest puudus olnud. Kinnitas et oleme rahvas kes eelistab ühe teisega suhtlemist, head tuju ja lõbusat olemist. Aga kõigi olulisem, kinnitab ka, et seda peame jälle tegema.
Video/audio/editing: Tiiu Roiser
Thank you to all the vendors, volunteers, scouts, bakers, silent auction & raffle donors, Enno Agur for leading us in carol singing, Erik Veski for his “verivorstid” and “rukkileib”, and the list goes on. Thanks to Ene Lomp for helping us arrange to have the Jazz Band from Northern SS play at our Christmas Craft Sale and Café - what a hit for the visitors! A huge thank you to the crowds that continued to flow through all day long for your support and fellowship! We are truly blessed and grateful. What an amazing day!
Bakers and Café
Volunteers & Helpers
Photos: Erik Kalm & Tiiu Roiser